Our Staff

Pastor Nathan

Pastor Nathan is a Provisional Elder in the United Methodist Church, working towards ordination in the next few years. He graduated from Hendrix College with a BA in Music Performance focusing on voice and from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary with an M.Div. Along with Central UMC, Nathan is the pastor for Flat Rock United Methodist Church.

Nathan is married to Rev. Amy, who is the pastor for Grace and Kedron United Methodist Churches in the Newton, IL area. Together they are raising their son, Lucas.



Peggy has been attending CUMC since 2007, becoming a member in 2008. Now she is also serving as our custodian. She enjoys cleaning the church because she can feel the presence of the Lord while in his house. Peggy also enjoys her fulfilling position as one of our church liturgists and hopes that you will come and join us on Sunday mornings. Peggy has now joined us in the Secretarial position.